Solve Manjaro Linux/Arch Linux kernel panic problem

Solve Manjaro Linux/Arch Linux  kernel panic problem, this issue occurs sometimes. Specially, when you dual boot your operating systems. Most of the time, when people experience such an issue, they directly go to the decision of formatting the system. It’s not an issue that can’t be fixed. However, the solution is little bit weird, But, enough to rectify your problem.

First things first, i have to say this, these kernel panic problem commonly occurs when you install another os on your machine and the existing Manjaro Linux Grub is overided by the new Operating systems Grub. So, When you do try to install the Manjaro/Arch Linux distro at last or you can do the GRUB Restoration procedure for Manjaro Linux after installing the new operating system. But, if you intend to use the GRUB of the newly installed system, this solutions will definitely work.

Solve Manjaro Linux/Arch Linux  kernel panic problem


 Step 1  First,go to Manjaro’s partition and go to /boot →/grub and open up the terminal there and type:

sudo nano grub.cfg

 Step 2 Now, Then scoll down until you see something like this:

…echo ‘Loading Linux 4.5-2-MANJARO x64 …’

linux /boot/vmlinuz-4.5-x86_64 root=UUID=27dd82f1-8de9-4e89-8eff-7a9a464633fe rw quiet splash pcie_aspm=force acpi_backlight=vendor
echo ‘Loading initial ramdisk …’
initrd /boot/intel-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-4.5-x86_64.img

 Step 3 Copy the initramfs-4.5-x86_64.img part.
 Step 4 Now, open the newly installed distribution’s grub.cfg file by typing this:

sudo nano /boot/grub/grub.cfg

 Step 5  Now, scroll down until you see Manjaro Linux’s boot option:

menuentry ‘Manjaro Linux (15.12) (on /dev/sda5)’ –class gnu-linux –cl$
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root=’hd0,msdos5′
if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
search –no-floppy –fs-uuid –set=root –hint-bios=hd0,msdos$
search –no-floppy –fs-uuid –set=root 27dd82f1-8de9-4e89-8e$
linux /boot/vmlinuz-4.5-x86_64 root=UUID=27dd82f1-8de9-4e89-8ef$
initrd /boot/intel-ucode.img

Step 5 Now, change the last line of code there, ie:

intel-ucode.img to initramfs-4.5-x86_64.img

Step 5 After editing the intel-ucode.img part to initramfs-4.5-x86_64.img and make sure that the kernel version in the vmlinuz is same as what you copy pasted.

Now, Press Ctrl+X then Y to save and exit the file.

Step 5 NB: After doing this never update the GRUB. If you do, it will rewrite the code again, and you will loose the changes. So, if that happens repeat the procedure once again.
Step 5 Just reboot the system and select the Manjaro OS. You should be able to boot into it.

NB: After doing this never update the GRUB. If you do, it will rewrite the code again, and you will loose the changes. So, if that happens repeat the procedure once again.

I hope you understand this article ‘Solve Manjaro Linux/Arch Linux  kernel panic problem’ very well. Thanks for reading.